Living Your Future Now

Sep 16, 2019


“By faith Noah, when we was warned about the things NO ONE COULD FORSEE, respected God and built an ark…” Hebrews 11: 7a

Can we talk about minute about the future?

Are you able to visualize it?

Do you know what will come?


I used to think the answer was no.  I believe now the answer is yes.

Now, don’t close your computer.  Hear me out.


When I say that I believe we can see the future, I don’t mean all the details. I am not sure about where I will be living or what car I will be driving 20 years from now.  I don’t even know if I’ll be on this earth any more. 

But, I can say with certainty a few things about the future.  I know that I will maintain a healthy weight.  I know that I will be blessed beyond measure.  I know I will be helping women live more abundant lives.  I know that I will be loving my husband, kids and the rest of my family.  And what I am most sure of,...

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I Don't Measure Up

Sep 09, 2019


I ran a Ragnar a couple of weeks ago. If you have no knowledge about a Ragnar, let me fill you in. It is a long-distance race that is ran by a team of runners- any runner crazy enough will do! Each runner completes a different leg of the race, with someone running both day and night for two days, completing the distance of approximately 200 miles.

About a month before the race I wanted to back out.  All the unknowns and fears about the race almost stopped me from being a part of this amazing experience.

Yes. Now that I’m done, I can say it was pretty amazing.

My teammates were awesome and I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.  On top of that, the sense of accomplishment is overwhelming….

Until it wasn’t.

During the race I was surrounded by all these remarkable people.  They complete some pretty hard things.  Many of them have ran marathons while raising 5 kids, working a full-time job, volunteering for their local food shelter,...

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Making Bad Decisions at Night? Here's Why...

Sep 02, 2019


Let’s talk fatigue.  I’m not going to get into physical fatigue but it does play a part in what fatigue I am going to talk about.  What I really want to discuss with you is …




It is real and it is happening to you.

Do you know what decision fatigue is?

You know when you’ve had a very physically demanding day.  Maybe you have been working in the yard all day or maybe you did a very strenuous workout.  By the end of the day, your muscles are sore and you can barely lift the water glass to your mouth.  You then realize your physical abilities are exhausted. 

The same goes mentally.


Your ability, mentally, to make good decisions deteriorates through out the day when you are forced to make choices.  What does this create?  Bad decisions near the end of the day.

I have so many women tell me that they eat well all day until after work or after they put their kids to bed.  Then...

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Stop the "Stuckness" and GO with Intention

Aug 26, 2019


Who is ready for back to school?!

Maybe you have already sent your kids back or will in the next week or so.  My kiddos don't get back into the "grind" of school until after Labor Day.



As much as I have LOVED my summer and my kids being home, I am looking forward to having a “normal” routine again. 

My kids… not so much.  They all like school.  It's not pulling teeth to get them to go, but they enjoy all the fun activities and vacations summer brings.  They enjoy the warm weather and playing outside.  They enjoy using their time as they please.  To them, it feels like they are giving that all up.


I had a conversation with my kiddos about this the other day.  They were complaining about having to go back to school and missing out on sleeping in and swimming every day.  I reminded them that this wasn’t actually what they did every day.  A lot of days were...

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The Ultimate Reboot

Aug 19, 2019


You’re a what? 

Why would people need a coach?

Like… how can you really help them just by talking to them?

I get this all the time.  Someone asks me what I do and I tell them I’m a health and life coach

That’s usually when I get a blank stare.  Maybe a half smile and nod if I’m lucky. 


So, for those of you that are curious about exactly what I do, I will try my best to describe it here.

All of you know what you need to do to change a certain aspect of your life.  Maybe you want to lose weight.  Maybe you want to be happier.  Or maybe you want to stop yelling at your kids.  You know what you need to do (even though some of you tell yourself you don’t, you really do know) but seems like you are unable to follow through.  You even take a few steps to get to your goal.  But after a while, you fall back into old habits.  Nothing seems to change and it feels like you just keep...

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Visualization: Rehearsing for Your Future

Aug 12, 2019


I was an ice skater when I was young.  No, I was not good, but I enjoyed it anyway.  It still perplexes me because I DESPISE cold.  Yet, I would go to a COLD rink every week and freeze for hours on end.  That’s beside the point though....

At the end of every season we had a big show.  During the show you would skate in a group to a song that fit some sort of them.  The week/weekend leading up to the show we would have dress rehearsals.  I LOVED DRESS REHEARSALS!  It was so fun because we still got to skate and practice our routines in our costumes (super awesome!) but we didn’t actually have a large audience.  If we screwed up, nobody really cared.  That was the best part about it.  There was no pressure.  In my mind, the rehearsals were better than the show. 


Too bad we don’t have more dress rehearsals now.  It’s a bummer that we don’t get ourselves ready and...

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Let's Just See How Lovable You Are

Aug 05, 2019

Want to know something really neat?!


You are 100% lovable.  Always have and always will be.

There is nothing that you need to do different or change to be loved more.


Really, this world needs more love.  I know it sounds cliché but it’s true.  If we all could just see each other’s innate worth and lovability, can you imagine what this world would be like? What if we were all just confident in who God made us and loved ourselves even?  Not in an arrogant way, because arrogance is not love, but in a self-confident way.  Self-confident love is knowing your worth but recognizing everyone around you has the same worth.


And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Colossians 3:14


You should really love yourself in a self-confident way.  I recommend it.  It doesn’t matter if someone else doesn’t love you.  Loving yourself is about giving yourself the...

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The One and Only Secret To Balancing It All

Jul 29, 2019

Balance.  Doesn’t it sound lovely?

When I think of balance I think of a smiling, well dressed woman that has all the kids’ lunches packed as they walk calmly out the door to get on the school bus. Her house is clean, supper prepared in the fridge, car washed, cat fed and she picks up a book to read and snuggles into the couch.

This is NOT a picture of my life.  But I still run a business, raise three kids, have an awesome marriage, strengthen my faith daily, exercise and still find time to unwind without going crazy.

Want to know the secret?



Yep.  Stop it.  Stop balancing. 


There is no such thing as balance in my life.  What I have are priorities.  I set them clearly and firmly.  Then I stick to them.


I believe balance is a myth.  There are seasons to life, just as there are seasons in nature.  God doesn’t balance the perfect amount of rainfall, sunshine, wind and temperature every day,...

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The Five Health "Rules" I Break as a Health Coach: Losing Weight is All about Diet and Exercise

Jul 22, 2019

For 5 weeks, I have been breaking down the top five “health rules” that I BREAK. 

One thing that I pray for you is that you never take any person’s opinion as fact.  While some of these “rules” might work for you, I would say the majority of people it is actually hurting rather than helping them.  Even when I tell you my opinion, you need to decide for yourself if you will benefit from this or not.  You need to test it out by applying it to your life, listen to how your body reacts and then by making YOUR OWN DECISION.

Last week’s rule was EAT EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.  I’d love to hear your opinions so don’t forget to stop by my Facebook page and leave questions or comments!


This is the last week!  Of course, I saved the best for last!




I’m smiling right now while reading that statement.  Yes,...

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The Five Health "Rules" I Break as a Health Coach: Everything in Moderation

Jul 15, 2019

For 5 weeks, I am breaking down the top five “health rules” that I BREAK. 

One thing that I pray for you is that you never take any person’s opinion as fact.  While some of these “rules” might work for you, I would say the majority of people it is actually hurting rather than helping them.  Even when I tell you my opinion, you need to decide for yourself if you will benefit from this or not.  You need to test it out by applying it to your life, listen to how your body reacts and then by making YOUR OWN DECISION.

Last week’s rule was EAT WHEN YOU’RE HUNGRY.  I’d love to hear your opinions so don’t forget to stop by my Facebook page and leave questions or comments!


This week is one I am sure to ruffle a few feathers about:



Seems logical right?  Paul does write, “Everything is permissible for me” in 1 Corinthians 6:12a.  We can eat anything we...

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