I was on a roll; losing weight, exercising, and making better food choices…
Then I started the downward spiral. One binged turned into a whole day, which turned into a whole week.
What is wrong with me? Why is this so hard? Why can't I just do this?
Let me tell you a little story...
I had a deep desire to be thin. At times, I would get to a healthy weight, but then a week later I was putting the pounds back on.
It's like I got to this goal and then I fell back into my old patterns. Then my actions did not fall in line with what I said I wanted.
I continued to sabotage myself, which lead to thinking something was wrong with me and I was just destined to be overweight but wanting to be thin.
Until I realized something...
No, in all these...
**If you would like to listen to this blog post, scroll to the bottom for the audio version.
So I have been giving you all a little tough love the last couple of weeks with this all this talk of commitment. Today, I just want to give some encouragement and awareness. How does that sound?
Most of my clients come to me and tell me that they are all or none kind of people. They use this trait to explain to me why they haven’t lost weight, why they yell at their kids, why they can’t get their business going and on and on.
I get it. I’ve been there too. I still am some days.
As I am writing this post, I had this commitment to myself that I was going to get all the blog posts for March written by February 28. I am well into March and I’m still writing. I wanted to get them all done and put my focus else where.
When I didn't get this post done by my goal date, my first reaction was to beat myself up. I wanted to be...