Want to know something fun?
I came to the realization the other day… I don’t have that much fun.
I use these all as excuses to stay in a serious, un-fun mood.
God gives us warning against this though.
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22
A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. Proverbs 15:13
Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t think we can have fun all the time. If we didn’t have the boring, mundane, or frustrating we wouldn’t know what fun is.
But, being happy, having joy, both of these are good for the spirit.
Since having fun doesn’t come “naturally” to me, I decided to make a list of joyful things I could...
Halloween is not a holiday.
I know I’m going to ruffle some feathers today. But ultimately, this post IS NOT about whether or not you should celebrate Halloween. That’s not my point.
But if you want to get to the good point, you’ll have to hear me out about Halloween….
We don’t celebrate Halloween at our house. We haven’t for years. My kids don’t dress up. They don’t go trick or treating. We don’t have parties or decorations.
We DO have a family fun night on the 31st though (so don't worry, my kids are not deprived).
It’s not because I stand on some morally high ground and oppose the “holiday” (Even though I don’t understand why you want to celebrate ghosts, scary monsters and skeletons. I bet you’ve never seen a dead body with its skeleton coming out. If you did, I bet you wouldn’t want to use it as...
**If you would like to listen to this blog post, scroll to the bottom for the audio version.
Let me share something with you. I was a hesitant and shy girl growing up.
Confidence was something I only dreamed about. I had NO idea what it felt like. To me, it meant, putting on a mask of self-assurance in hopes that people would like me.
When I looked around at the people that I thought were confident, I saw women that walked in this world with ease. They didn’t care what people said about them.
Oh, how I longed for not caring about other people’s opinions! I wanted that confidence.
Honestly, looking back, I was an unconfident mess growing up. Whenever a decision was to be made, I just took what other people told me I should do or what they said I was good at, and went with that. One thing I was really good at... looking like I knew what I wanted and what I was doing. But the whole time I would be scanning the people around me...