You aren’t new to the weight loss struggle.
You’ve tried countless diets and exercise routines. You’ve even been successful at shedding some pounds.
… but those long-lost pounds seem to keep finding their way back to you and you are just plain tired of this seemingly endless battle.
Friend, you can lose weight and keep it off by learning the top 20 things that no one tells you about how to truly be successful on your journey.
This is part 5 of a 20-part blog series that will give you a strong foundation of strategy you need to lose weight, keep it off, and start living the life you were born to live!
Some of what I share will be opposite of what all the diet gurus tell you, so read on with an open and prayerful mind and let God work on you from the inside out of your health and fitness journey!
Part 5: Eat More, Not Less
Guilt. Shame. The overwhelming feeling of failure. All combined with clothes that fit a little more...
Do you remember what life was like when you were in your late teens and early twenties?
If you were anything like me, you had extraordinary dreams and expectations of what life was going to be like.
Almost … a little fairy-tale-ish … if I had to be honest with myself.
I remember one instance from this time in my life that left me simultaneously feeling shaken and excited.
I entered Walmart to run a quick errand. The Walmart greeter welcomed me to the store … just like he had with all those who entered before me.
After greeting me, he took a second look at me and stopped me. His face had changed from the generic greeter smile to one of serious wisdom.
“I don’t know why I am telling you this, but I feel like you need to hear it,” he shared, with an authority I can only relate to that of the “prophets of old.”
“Don’t settle for anything less than God has for you. God wants you to...
Shut-up and listen.
Nope. Not to me.
To your body and your mind.
Did you know that God gave us the perfect tool to help us know when our bodies need fuel?
It also has this fantastic feature that alerts us to the time when we should stop.
It’s highly sophisticated, using multiple messengers in our body. Yet, it is amazingly simple.
We’ve had it since birth (it’s innate). And, it has worked well for thousands of years, until recently.
But all of a sudden, very few people listen to it anymore.
Yes, I’m talking about hunger.
Instead of listening to our BODIES, now we follow books, videos, friends, or our thoughts and feelings. We use these to determine when and what to eat and when to stop eating.
Since we’ve haven’t been using our hunger to signal us to eat or not, we’ve miscalibrated it.
It doesn’t measure right anymore.
Our “hunger” now tells us to eat when we feel frustrated. Our “hunger” tells us to eat...
Just the other day it was a beautiful, sunny, 70 degree, fall day. The leaves are turning brilliant yellow, orange and red while being contrasted by the bright green of the luscious grass. It was glorious. One of those days you wish would last all year.
That’s actually what the announcer on our local Christian radio station said. She made a comment to the effect that everyday should be like this until mid-May.
Oh, that sounded lovely!
But… for only about one minute.
I was driving to pick up my kiddos from school when I heard her comment. I hate to admit this, but I often start day dreaming in the car. At this particular time, that’s exactly what I started to do. I started to imagine what life would be like if every day was like that glorious day. How we could play outside every day. How we would be able to take in this stunning portrait of nature that God was giving. How we could go biking, hiking...
**If you would like to listen to this blog post, scroll to the bottom for the audio version.
Do you remember when you were pregnant?
I do. And my word is, “Ugh.” I want to apologize to the ladies who have either (a) not been pregnant or (b) loved being pregnant. To those ladies, let me paint the picture of my pregnancy (to some of you who also had horrible pregnancies, you can totally skip this part because you know what I’m talking about here).
It started at 4 weeks. Yep, I knew instantly when I was pregnant because the, “I only want to sleep FOREVER” and “Oh my goodness, that smell makes me want to vomit” started. Those two only intensified from there. Getting out of bed was like trying to get slime out of carpet…slow and almost impossible. Plus, who really wants to get out of bed when you know you are going to just vomit or feel like vomiting the rest of the day.
No, this...