What do you think?
Is there a problem with your husband loving you even if you're overweight?
There shouldn't be a problem with this.
But, so many women come to me and tell me that they have no motivation. They blame part of it on the fact that their husbands don't care what weight they are.
These husbands, being wonderful guys, are NOT the problem. They should not get the blame because we are overweight and seem to stay there.
Here is the hard truth.
Our thinking is the problem.
We think just because our husbands don't care what weight we are, that WE SHOULDN'T EITHER.
And, if we care, then we tell ourselves that it means we're being vain.
We go on to thinking that maybe we should just accept our overweight bodies the way they are. Because, really, we have no one to impress except our husbands.
Do you see the turmoil we create?
Now, I'm not saying that if you're comfortable in your body, that you should lose weight just because some...