I remember being TERRIFIED my first day of clinical practice for nursing school.
When I say terrified, I mean literally I wanted to throw up. Lucky for me, I have a strong gag reflex.
I remember it as such an out of body experience. I could hear my head screaming, “This is crazy! You don’t know what you’re doing!” and feeling paralyzed. But yet I could still manage to get my body to move somehow.
At the time I didn't understand this, but the fear came from all these thoughts that I would do it wrong, it wouldn’t work and I’d never become a nurse.
It really all boiled down to one thought:
“You will fail. Then you will be a failure.”
In the end I didn't fail. I mean I did some, but I learned from it.
I figured it out.
I didn’t let my crazy thoughts take over and I graduated nursing school. I got a job. I worked for 10 years as a RN. I never became that failure I had imagined I would.
But, all that while, I was still scared. I was still fearful. Fearful I would screw up and it (“it”being a variety of things…) wouldn’t work.
Even after I graduated.
Even after I was a practicing nurse for 5 years.
Even after I moved on from nursing....
Now, as a coach, I hear it all the time from my clients.
I think it’s natural and pretty human of us to fear things that we don’t understand.
God knows this.
He writes over and over again that we do not need to be afraid.
So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’ Hebrews 13:6
I recently did an interview with a client of mine. She’s done some really hard work and has had some AMAZING results from it even though she had a lot of FEAR. For your benefit, we recorded the interview.
See, lately, I have been hearing that people are nervous or fearful having a coach or being coached. There is a whole slew of reasons they feel this anxiousness or fear.
But here is what the fear usually boils down to….
They fear the unknown. They fear that they will put time and effort into something and they will only leave disappointed.
What most people don’t understand is, they're already disappointed in their life. That disappointment can be about a variety of things; your weight, your job or even your mothering.
And don’t worry. Most women feel the same way so you're not alone.
But why fear disappointment?
It’s just a feeling.
A feeling YOU create by either listening to the enemy’s lies or listening to the Spirit’s truth.
You get to decided if you are going to think thoughts of disappointment or not.
Because remember, God can take anything and use it for good, even unmet expectations.
Here’s the deal. You’ve tried other things to lose weight, to help you feel happier and more joyful. They didn’t work because the enemy kept you stuck by never getting to the root of the problem.
Avoiding something that might work, just because it also might not work is NOT helping you either.
Being afraid of the "might" only keeps you stuck.
What is the worst thing that can happen?
Being disappointed? Feeling like a failure?
Well, aren’t you already there?
If you answered yes, no problem. I can help you with that.
Disappointment or failure are not the worst that can happen to you though.
What’s worse?
You staying caught…. stuck right where you are now.
And never diving head first into this amazing future God has planned for you.
So, what are you going to do? You are going to feel fear and anxiety and stay stuck in it?
Or do you want to moving through it and see what might be….?
Some of the best things in life are on the other side of fear.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
PS: So, why not take Michelle’s advice and at least try a consult out for FREE? Sign up to find that clarity on what step you need to take next. Because that’s all you need to do right now.
Just take the next step. Take it. Learn from it. Take another. Learn from it. And so on. Just like a baby learning to walk.
Click HERE to sign up.
PSS: Even though there really is nothing to be nervous about, that often doesn’t help when you're in the thick of fear and anxiety. I think the best thing to do when you are feeling anxious is to say,
“You can be totally be scared. It’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with being scared. But, God’s got you. He’s going to take care of you and work things for your good. So, I’m just going to feel the fear and do it anyway.”
So, go ahead and do it. Click HERE to get started.