Let’s talk fatigue. I’m not going to get into physical fatigue but it does play a part in what fatigue I am going to talk about. What I really want to discuss with you is …
It is real and it is happening to you.
Do you know what decision fatigue is?
You know when you’ve had a very physically demanding day. Maybe you have been working in the yard all day or maybe you did a very strenuous workout. By the end of the day, your muscles are sore and you can barely lift the water glass to your mouth. You then realize your physical abilities are exhausted.
The same goes mentally.
Your ability, mentally, to make good decisions deteriorates through out the day when you are forced to make choices. What does this create? Bad decisions near the end of the day.
I have so many women tell me that they eat well all day until after work or after they put their kids to bed. Then...
**If you would like to listen to this blog post, scroll to the bottom for the audio version.
Can I recap for those who may have not read/ listened to my last two posts?
Great! Thank you for sticking with me here.
Two weeks ago I talked about commitment. Why it’s important and how to commit. The take away, commit because the benefits far exceeds the struggle.
Last week I discussed God’s hope versus the world’s hope. The take away, is to commit to stay faithful in the hope (certainty) of God’s promises. Why? Because we can be certain about what He says in His word compared to a world that is very uncertain.
Why the recap? Because, I’m talking about commitment here friend.
Now, I really want to challenge your commitment.
The opposite of committing is quitting. Would you agree?
When we quit we give up the commitment we made. Remember, commitment is a stance created by you in which you know what you will or will not do...
**If you would like to listen to this blog post, scroll to the bottom for the audio version.
I typed in the word commitment into Google. Guess what the number three search was? First was commitment definition, then commitment synonyms and then…
Not really surprising, is it?
We have a lot of commitment issues as a society. But, I don’t think we have anyone to blame but ourselves for our world’s commitment problems. It takes individuals to get a divorce, to quit a job, to skip out on a diet, to not check in on their friends, to always be looking for the latest and greatest.
Get my drift?
You know exactly what I mean. You commit on Monday, starting that diet and exercise routine and by Friday you are drinking beer and eating your third piece of pizza. Or Monday, you tell yourself this week you are going to tackle your cleaning list and by Friday your list has only grown, not shrunk.
We’ve all been there.
The problem is, it's so...